
Follow up 3GSM 2007

Well, GSM World 2007 has come and gone and I am truly grateful to all the work and effort that went into the planning, preparation and execution because the results were amazing. The week before GSM World the EU and 23 of the largest European mobile operators reached an agreement on protecting children on the mobile internet. So Karina and Deborah quickly arranged a press conference at GSM World and an accompanying press release. The press release alone garnered so much interest that the news of how GenMobi Technologies, Inc. had the only solution available to protecting children on the mobile internet reached literally hundreds of news sites in a day. During GSM World we had government officials come to us asking how they could protect children and some of the top telecom companies in the world came asking that same question. Needless to say the next few months are going to be busy meeting prospective carriers, helping legislatures around the world understand how it is possible now to protect children on mobile and the internet, driving our product development to meet client requirements and growing the company to handle this huge demand. But just as important as all this business news what I found from GSM World is that I actually do speak Spanish and that allowed me to get to know the wonderful people of Barcelona, appreciate the beauty and culture that is Barcelona and enjoy the outstanding culinary and wine delights that are unique to Barcelona. The children and teens of Spain are like any other country - they are growing up with a cellphone in their hands and in my talks with them I found that they all wanted (1) ease of use, (2) knowing who the other people in their communities were, (3) protection from bullies, predators and more dangerous people as well as (4) claiming a piece of the mobile space as their own. I loved interacting with them and that is the best part of my job - getting to know the kids and teens who will use our products. That is why I created GenMobi and why I am so very proud of the entire GenMobi family.


GenMobi Technologies Article at Yahoo News

US-based technology group Genmobi believe they have found a solution for parents wanting strict powers of censure and supervision. They have developed customised programmes called “Buzz Kidz” and “Buzz Teenz” that allow junior phone users access to only authorised sites and chat services. It also includes a built-in bad language detector that informs parents when expletives are exchanged. “We’ve developed a lexicon that is updated on a daily basis because the language morphs that quickly,” says chief information officer Bill Kehoe. read more


Meanwhile, at 3GSM

CNN: Developing countries will acess the Internet on mobile phones

Thanks to jetleg, I have been waking up on a daily basis at 5 AM and starting my day by then. While I was working today early this morning I had the TV on the background and interestingly enough what I heard on CNN is what we have been saying for years. On today’s coverage of the 3GSM, they showed how Asian companies came to Barcelona to exhibit not only their handsets but also software for migrating social networking and instant messaging to cellphones. These companies are targeting developing countries and claim that people who cannot access the internet (and internet based applications) on a PC will do it on their mobile phones. And if we think about it, the claim is plausible and is very likely to happen. I remember talking to a VC during a mixer this year in San Francisco and his disbelief that people would access the internet on mobile phones. While it may be relatively true for the US market today, the younger generations in Asia and Europe tend to access the internet from their mobile handsets. And that brings back to the problem of younger users (minors) accessing the internet on their mobile phones, being exposed to inappropriate content and also vulnerable to cyber predators. And it also shows how crucial EU’s last week’s decision was. That’s exactly what we have addressed on our press conference this years at the 3GSM and why we have developed technologies that proactively protects children and teenagers on any mobile platform.

GenMobi Technologies répond à la question de l'Union européenne concernant la protection des enfants naviguant sur leurs téléphones mobiles

La semaine dernière, l'Union européenne et 23 opérateurs de téléphonie mobile européens se sont accordés sur la nécessité de fournir une protection accrue aux enfants dans le cadre du cyberharcèlement et des prédateurs sexuels. Le BAM (TM) répond à la préoccupation de l'UE et permet aux opérateurs de réseau de protéger les utilisateurs mineurs contre les contenus choquants. read article (in French)


Our press conference yesterday at 3GSM

We held a spontaneous press conference yesterday to address the latest EU requirements for children’s safety on mobile internet. What I personally noticed is that kids’ safety on mobile internet was in the back of people’s mind, but the difficulty in finding an effective solution made them somehow put a blind eye on it. Fortunately, actions like the EU combining forces with the largest carriers in Europe are bringing back the awareness and importance of this subject. Later in the afternoon, our CEO headed to a partner’s booth for another interview as a children’s safety expert.

Getting ready for our press conference yesterday

GenMobi Technologies Answers European Union to Protect Kids on Mobile

GenMobi Technologies, Inc. introduces BAM(TM) -- Browser Active Messaging. An evolution in mobile technology, BAM(TM) is the first hybrid messenger that comes with an integrated browser that protects kids from accessing illegal content on their mobiles. Read more


Most people who have acquired the events Wi-Fi connection could not log to the network yesterday. The business center in front of our HS had infamous long lines to use their internet and whoever got a seat in front of their computers would not leave for hours. Luckily I am in touch with the world and exchanging e-mails using my Blackberry service but I would like to be able to get connected to the internet using my laptop as well.


How was your 1st day at the 3 GSM?

Hi all, how was your 1st day at the 3 GSM? I heard you guys had a tough time connecting to the Wi-Fi. Last year it was the same and people could not get online at peak hours, so whenever there is an available Internet connection, please share with us more of what you have been seeing and hearing at the 3GSM this year. Have a great event!

CMO Forum this morning

I quickly dropped by the CMO Forum during the morning. Most of the researches can pretty much prove what we have been saying for a few years: segmenting regionaly the mobile market; the exponential growth in Asia and the EU; texting, browsing and downloading content as the most important applications in mobile usage. Mobile social networking is also being mentioned with a lot of enthusiasm as the next “killer application”.


1 day before the show

GenMobi Technologies prepara el debut de BUZZ(TM) en el Congreso Mundial 3GSM de 2007

BARCELONA, España y SAN JOSE, California, February 8 /PRNewswire/ -- GenMobi Technologies lanzará la Plataforma social para móviles (MSP) BUZZ(TM) en el Congreso Mundial 3GSM en Barcelona. La MSP Buzz(TM) es una plataforma de entretenimiento para usuarios de móviles divertida y segura, dirigida a niños de edades comprendidas entre los 8 y 17 años, que ofrece contenidos y mensajería ilimitada por unos céntimos al día. Dividido en dos comunidades -- BuzzKidz(TM) (para niños de entre 8 y 12 años) y BuzzTeenz(TM) (para niños de entre 13 y 17 años), MSP Buzz(TM) brinda numerosas características y funciones innovadoras, que incluyen:

GenMobi Technologies stellt BUZZ(TM) auf dem 3GSM World Congress 2007 erstmalig vor

BARCELONA, Spanien und SAN JOSE, Kalifornien, February 8 /PRNewswire/ -- GenMobi Technologies lanciert BUZZ(TM) Mobile Social Platform (MSP) auf dem 3GSM World Congress in Barcelona. Die Buzz(TM) MSP ist ein lustiger und sicherer mobiler Spielplatz für Kinder von 8-17 Jahren, der Inhalte und uneingeschränktes Messaging für wenige Cents pro Tag anbietet. Buzz(TM) MSP besteht aus zwei Gemeinschaften -- BuzzKidz(TM) (für Kinder von 8-12) und BuzzTeenz(TM) (für Kinder von 13-17) - und hat viele innovative Eigenschaften und Funktionen, wie z.B.: -- Unangreifbare Validierung von Alter und Benutzer um sicherzustellen, dass nur Kinder Zutritt zur Gemeinschaft haben; -- Technologie, die Texte analysiert und unangemessene Nachrichten blockiert; -- exklusive herunterladbare Inhalte, einschliesslich Prominenten "Ausruf" Klingeltöne; -- Gaming Fähigkeiten für einen und mehrere Spieler; -- Instant Messaging mit Übersetzung in viele verschiedene Sprachen und -- elterliche Kontrolle und Warnmeldungen, um eine sichere Umgebung für Kinder zu garantieren. read more


People were having problems with the badges and it could not be different with us so our first day preparing our Hospitality Suite was permeated by these “bureaucratic” hiccups. So tomorrow we are going back to start working at the hospitality suite. I’ll keep you posted and share more info on the show itself and what we’re doing there. Stay tuned!

DESTINATION #3: BARCELONA – Lufthansa (Munich- Barcelona)

It can be surprising to be in Spain and hear "Spanish" sounding much more like Portuguese, French, and Italian. So it is a bilingual city (Spanish and Catalonian) and if you know a bit of Italian, French and Portuguese as well as Spanish, of course, you will be able to get by easily. Our CEO, Michael J. Schultz, who is an American who lived many years in Brazil is now alternating with me the job of translating things to our group although most of the people can get by with their knowledge of Spanish. Plus, we’re talking of very talented and intelligent people, so, we really don’t have to worry that much… They can get the information they need easily…

Paramedics in Munich

DESTINATION #2: MUNICH – United Airlines (Washington- Munich)

Flight was smooth although most of us could not sleep. My attention was caught by Almodovar’s latest film with Penelope Cruz, dinner and before I could even think of anything else I was sleeping like a log. As soon as our plane landed in Munich we were surrounded by paramedics and I thought it was a new security policy but in the end I learnt someone have had a panic attack while I was sleeping.

DESTINATION #1: WASHINGTON – United Airlines (San Francisco - Washington)

Let me share with you what is going on in the "backstage". We arrived at 5 AM at San Francisco Int’l Airport (Michael, Bill, Deborah, Stan and myself) and were going to meet Francine and Valery later in Barcelona. Some of us did not sleep and expected to rest during the flight to Munich to get adjusted to the time zone. Deborah and I took the time to work, go over a few reports and obviously, start talking to people sitting beside us and swapping business cards. It is amazing how as soon as people learn what our business is all about, they feel as passionate as we do for GenMobi Technologies and Buzz.


GenMobi Technologies to Debut BUZZ(TM) at 3GSM World Congress 2007

GenMobi Technologies will launch BUZZ(TM) Mobile Social Platform (MSP) at 3GSM World Congress in Barcelona. The Buzz(TM) MSP is a fun and safe mobile playground for kids ages 8-17, offering content and unlimited messaging for cents a day. Divided into two communities -- BuzzKidz(TM) (for kids 8-12) and BuzzTeenz(TM) (for kids 13-17), Buzz(TM) MSP delivers many innovative features and functions, including: -- Bulletproof age-and-user validation to ensure that this a "kids-only" community; -- Technology that parses language and blocks inappropriate messages; -- Exclusive downloadable content including celebrity "shout-out" ringtones; -- Single and multi-player gaming capabilities; -- Instant messaging with language translation in multiple different languages; and -- Parental controls and alerts to ensure a safe environment for children. Buzz(TM) answers some of the most urgent needs for kids, parents, educators and governments around the world. Parents and educators often wonder if there is an effective way to protect children and prevent bullies and predators from harassing them. Only the reliable age-and-identity verification process combined with the constant monitoring of blocking of all offensive messages ensures that Buzz (TM) users are safe from log-on to log-off. Please join us at GSM at Hospitality Suite 53, Level 8, Hall 4. Our top executives will be on hand to eagerly and enthusiastically give media interviews, including: Michael J. Schultz - Chief Executive Officer and co-founder Karina Goldrajch - Chief Marketing Officer and co-founder Stan Weitzman - Executive Vice President and co-founder Bill Kehoe - Chief Information Officer News Release sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless.


Mobile Phone Firms Sign Up for Safety

European Mobile Phone Companies Sign Up for EU Code to Protect Children From Harmful Content BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) -- European mobile phone operators and content providers signed a new European Union voluntary code of conduct Tuesday vowing to better protect children using mobile phones from violent and adult content. The agreement signed by top national operators like Vodafone, Deutsche Telekom, Orange Group and Telefonica calls on them to work with European and national mobile phone regulators and children's protection groups to prevent minors from accessing illegal content on their mobiles. Read the entire story here.


Less than 12 hours to get to the airport

In less then 12 hours we are flying to Barcelona. 3 GSM starts on the 12th but we need to arrive a bit earlier. If we can peep or hear something interesting before the event, we’ll obviously share it with you.

I am particularly excited with the announcement that we will make on the second day of 3 GSM, how it impacts the mobile industry and how our new services will dramatically increase ARPU and make carriers revenues skyrocket. I cannot disclose much now (except that the technology is called BAM) but I promise I will tell you all about it in the next days.